Brasileiríssimas/ Coxinhas
This is a single Brazilian appetizer which was accidently invented in the 19th century. As the Princess Isabel's son was crazy about drumstick and for a reason it wasn't possible to be eaten one day, the slave who used to work in the kitchen had the brilliant idea to fill some kind of pastry with chicken, not drumstick, and finally stick in a bone. The little boy did believe it was what he thought it was and did love it! From that time on coxinhas are indispensable in Brazilian snack bars, birthday parties and other celebrations... They can be filled with shrimp, cheese & ham and so on. Neither beef nor chicken ever take part in our diet, so this filling suits our preference better. Bom apetite!
Brazilian coxinhas
500ml whole milk
100g corn
2 egg yolks
3 tbsp cornstarch, dissolved in water
3 tbsp instant corn soup
1 vegetable bouillon cube
100g butter
4 tbsp corn flour
1¾ cups all-purpose flour
100g corn
1 onion, finely chopped
½ cup heavy cream
2½ tbsp all-purpose flour
200g mozzarella cheese
1 tbsp requeijão (you can add cream cheese instead)
spring onion
black pepper
lightly beaten egg
oil for frying
For the dough combine milk and corn in a blender. Take it to low heat with the remaining ingredients, apart from the all-purpose flour. When it begins to boil, turn the heat off and add the flour. Let it cool. For the filling, sauté onion, add season, corn, herbs, heavy cream and flour. Let it cool. Add cheese and requeijão. Shape the coxinhas, dip in beaten egg and then in breadcrumbs. Fry in hot oil until golden brown, put on paper towel and serve immediately.
½ litro de leite
½ lata de milho verde
3 colheres (sopa) de pó de sopa de milho
3 colheres (sopa) de amido de milho dissolvido em água
1 tablete de caldo de legumes
100g de manteiga
salsinha a gosto
sal a gosto
2 gemas
4 colheres (sopa) de farinha de milho
1¾ xícara de farinha de trigo
100g de milho verde
1 cebola média finamente picada
½ xícara de creme de leite
2½ colheres (sopa) de farinha de trigo
200g de queijo muçarela ralado
1 colher (sopa) de requeijão (opcional)
salsinha e cebolinha a gosto
sal e pimenta-do-reino a gosto
farinha de rosca
1 ovo batido
óleo para fritar
Bata no liquidificador o leite e o milho. Leve ao fogo médio com o restante dos ingredientes exceto a farinha de trigo. Quando começar a ferver desligue a chama e acrescente a farinha. Misture bem e deixe esfriar. Para o recheio, refogue em uma panela a cebola no azeite e na manteiga. Acrescente então as ervas, o creme de leite, os temperos e a farinha de trigo. Quando frio, adicione o requeijão e o queijo. Forme coxinhas, passe-as no ovo batido e depois na farinha de rosca. Frite em óleo quente e coloque para escorrer no papel toalha. Sirva imediatamente.
Esta receita foi adaptada do programa dia dia da band.
Obrigada por editar as fotos, Karyne.
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