Yorkshire puddings


4 ovos
200g de farinha, peneirada
200ml de leite integral
queijo parmesão ralado

Modo de preparo

Unte uma assadeira para cupcakes com óleo e leve ao forno preaquecido por 5 a 10 minutos. Em um bowl grande, bata os ovos, o leite, a farinha  o sal até ficar uma massa lisa e homogênea. Junte o alecrim e o quejo. Despeje a massa nos compartimentos e leve ao forno por 25-30 minutos até crescerem e dourarem. Sirva quente com manteiga ou cream cheese.


4 eggs
200g plain flour, sifted
200ml whole milk
grated parmesan cheese
vegetable oil


In a cupcake tin, splash some vegetable oil into each compartment and take to preheated oven for 5 to 10 minutes. In a big bowl, beat the eggs, milk, flour and salt until smooth. Add rosemary and cheese. Pour the batter into the compartments and pop the tray in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until beautifully risen and golden. Do not open the oven until puddings are cooked! Serve them hot with some butter or cream cheese.


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