The Royal Wedding Cake!/ O bolo real!

We made this lovely cake dedicated to Wills and Kate, whose wedding was definitely the most beautiful one the world has ever seen. Apart from the beauty, this cake has got a unique flavour which is the result of the combination of a good quality cocoa and the best black beer. In our opinion it is Guinness. In order to make it milder, we added chantilly, cherry syrup and a disk of white chocolate. Isn't it tempting? Anyway, this is definitely our greatest culinary adventure! Every single addition was patiently made, perhaps that was the secret ingredient apart from the admiration we both have for Kate. We so love that royal couple!

For the batter

1½ stick unsalted butter
1 cup Stout Guinness
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups caster sugar
½ cup cocoa powder
2 cups all-puspose flour
2½ tsp baking soda
¾ cup sour cream
2 eggs

Preheat oven to 320ºF (160ºC) and butter two 7.9 in (20 cm) cake tins. In a saucepan, melt butter, add Guinness and vanilla extract. Let it cool slightly. In a bowl, sift sugar and cocoa powder. Fold it into the Guinness mixture carefully. In a separeted bowl, beat eggs and sour cream slightly until well combined. Whisk in the guinness mixture. At last, whisk in flour and baking soda stirring carefully. Take to oven for 25 minutes or until a wooden stick inserted into the middle comes out clean. Let it cool.


100g fractionated coating white chocolate flavor, melted
cherry syrup

Draw a 7.9 in diameter (20 cm in diameter) circle in a baking paper. Spread melted white chocolate into the delineated circle and smooth to fill. Freeze for 5-7 minutes and remove from the paper (the chocolate disk must come out easily, otherwise freeze a bit longer).


about 1kg white fondant
blue and red food colouring

Place one cake layer on a serving plate and spoon some cherry syrup on top. Put the chocolate disk over it and spoon chantilly evenly on top. Top with the remaining cake layer and spoon some cherry syrup. Decorate with fondant.

Para a massa

150g de manteiga sem sal
1 xícara de cerveja Stout Guinness
1 colher (chá) de extrato de baunilha
½ xícara de cacau em pó
2 xícaras de açúcar
2 xícaras de farinha de trigo
2½ colheres (chá) de bicarbonato de soda
¾ xícara de nata
2 ovos

Preaqueça o forno a 160ºC. Unte duas fôrma de 20 cm de diâmetro. Em uma panela, derreta a manteiga e adicione a cerveja e a baunilha. Deixe esfriar ligeiramente. Em uma vasilha, peneire o cacau e o açúcar. Combine à mistura de Guinness e mexa delicadamente. Em outra vasilha, combine os ovos e a nata. Em seguida, combine à mistura de cerveja.

Por último, acrescente a farinha peneirada o bicarbonato. Incorpore delicadamente. Leve ao forno por 25 minutos ou até o palito, quando inserido no meio, sair limpo. Deixe esfriar completamente.


100g de cobertura de chocolate fracionado sabor chocolate branco, derretido
calda de cereja

Desenhe um círculo de 20 cm de diâmetro em uma folha de papel manteiga. Espalhe o chocolate derretido no círculo e leve ao congelador por 5-7 minutos e depois retire o papel (o disco deve sair facilmente, caso contrário leve ao congelador novamente por mais alguns minutos).


Aproximadamente 1kg de pasta americana branca
corantes azul e vermelho

Para a montagem, coloque uma camada de bolo em um prato e umideça com calda de cereja. Coloque o disco de chocolate em cima e espalhe chantilly. Coloque a camada de bolo restante e, novamente, umideça com calda de cereja. Por último, decore com  pasta americana.


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